IFS Phone Wallpapers

By Jasmine Siswandjo

July 28, 2024

A Creative Departure from Stats

Today’s post is a little different from my usual content. This blog is meant to be dedicated to deep dives into statistics, exploring data trends and later on, some geospatial analyses. However, I was working on something a bit more creative recently that I’m excited to share with the world.

I created a set of phone wallpapers inspired by the 8 C’s from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, which is a psychotherapy framework that focuses on understanding the different parts of our personality. and the approach that my psychotherapist uses and thus one that I am familiar with. I do admit, though, remembering all 8 is sometimes challenging so I thought I’d make a phone wallpaper to remind me of them.

The 8 C’s are Calm, Clarity, Compassion, Connectedness, Courage, Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity. These are the qualities of Self.

Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal.

The journey of IFS allows us to access and embody these traits more fully.

These wallpapers are a small artistic project I embarked on, and I thought it might be nice to share them with you. Whether you’re into IFS or just looking for something new and inspiring for your phone, I hope you’ll enjoy these designs.



These wallpapers were created on Canva.

Posted on:
July 28, 2024
2 minute read, 222 words
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